
Welcome, God's beloved!

The journey of a thousand words begins with the first click.

A decade ago, it would be the first stroke.  Or the first press on the typewriter keyboard.

Now, I begin my adventure as a blogger.  Prodded by a couple of friends (who found some of my FB posts inspiring but "blog-worthy" a.k.a. lenghty) and inspired by a few blogs, I started entertaining the idea of birthing my own blog.

It was no coincidence (my Tatay's favorite quote of late is "Coincidence is when our God wants to be anonymous") that I am creating this today, Easter Sunday of 2013, Year of Faith.  I resolved to do this in the Easter Vigil last night, with the name of my blog getting processed in my head while appreciating the homily (yeah, nice try).

Naming my blog "special, God's beloved" not only coincides with my initials, but also lends insight into what I desire this blog to be: an unfolding, yes, of my musings as special, as God's beloved, but firstly of God's unfathomable choice of loving me, of loving each human person, in a way only as God He can do--special, and of this relationship between Him and me as a human person.  Yes, this blog is about me, but only because I acknowledge and affirm that He has first chosen me in love, accompanies me faithfully each day, and forms me (at times gently; at others, surprisingly) to be His love to the "other", who, in truth, is "brother" (or sister).

Beginning this in the Year of Faith has become a conscious choice.  I hope this blog becomes a way for me to come to faith: listening to God's voice, discerning my response, and sharing my insights in the hope that others too come to faith.  Starting this on Easter Sunday 2013 is auspicious: may the joy and hope of the Risen Lord I profess to love and follow, though imperfectly, fill my every post, my every reply.

Thank you for listening to me.  In God's grace, I trust this unfolding brings me and you, too I hope, closer and closer to living who we truly are: beloved, special, God's.